Leading …

SARDA accommodates both local and international volunteers. Contact us by phone or email for more information.

SARDA provides the opportunity for free therapeutic and recreational riding to disabled people who, irrespective of their disability, might benefit from riding to enhance their general health and wellbeing, and their social and education skills.

200 riders

Every week SARDA provides free riding lessons to 200 riders from 14 special needs schools in the Western Cape.

Training …

Volunteer helpers at SARDA have an important and responsible job. Without them the organisation cannot function. There are two functions that a helper can provide in a class.

The first is as a Leader

Leaders are in charge of their horses and this is their sole responsibility. If there are no side-walkers, leaders will keep an eye on the progress of the rider. However they are not there to teach the rider.

The second is as a Side-Walker

Side-walkers act as “bridges” between the rider and the instructor. They are there to relax the rider, to reinforce what the instructor is asking them to do, to give support, to react in an emergency, and to build up a close relationship with the rider.



Volunteering at SARDA is an incredibly rewarding experience. Getting to know the riders, watching their improvement and knowing that you have contributed towards this is so special.

Training is provided and it is not necessary to have prior knowledge of horses or disabilities.  Look out on our social media platforms or call the SARDA office  on 021 794 4393 for the date of our next VOLUNTEER ORIENTATION session. These sessions will only take one hour of your time. Follow up hands-on training sessions are also provided.  You won’t regret it!

International volunteering experience, healing through horses …